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Location: Louisiana Gender: Male Neck: 16 in Chest: 42 in Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: N/A Hip: N/A Age: 35 Calve N/A Shoulder: N/A Height: 5'10" Arm: 16 in Waist: 31 in Weight: 185 lbs Thigh: N/A Body Fat: 9%
About Me   

In high school I was in incredible shape and was a top wrestler in my state. Shortly after graduating I married my beautiful wife then had 2 awesome sons. I started working for as a police officer and slowly started to let myself go. Fast forward to 2013. I was nearly 230lbs and just disgusted with myself. Early in 2014 I decided to change that and started eating healthier, quit smoking, and overall just tried to better myself. That summer I began lifting weights again for the first time since high school. I initially dropped to about 165lbs and was so much happier with myself and life in general. I recently bulked to about 195 and I'm currently trying to get rid of any of the excess fat I gained during the bulk. I don't want to quit now that I feel like I'm in great shape so I've set new goals for myself. I want to train towards either a bodybuilding show or to compete in some type of athletic event. But mostly I want to gain some strength. After watching some of Scott Herman's videos I really got motivated again to push myself either further so here I am. I call this part of my life Journey to Super Saiyan... did I mention I'm kind of a nerd... anyways that's my story.

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