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Location: Belen, NM Gender: Female Neck: 13 in Chest: 34 in Goal: Lose Fat Forearm: 10.5 in Hip: 38.75 in Age: 52 Calve 15 in Shoulder: 42.5 in Height: 5'1" Arm: 14 in Waist: 32.75 in Weight: 178 lbs Thigh: 23 in Body Fat: 32%
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Lmbigsby's profile 44 years old Female Belen, NM "It's MY time, my turn to focus on ME!!!" About Me: Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. I'm 44 years old, currently I am wearing a size 6-8 but started my weight loss journey at 208 lbs wearing an 18/XL in Sept. 2010. A year ago I was finally down to where I was happy, recently went through a divorce and gained back about 20 lbs. Time to get back on track and stop emotional eating. I have utilized so many fitness avenues along my journey (Jillian Michaels 30DS, Biggest Loser (the show and dvd’s), P90X, Zumba (attended hour classes 5 days a week and for the wii), boxing, and love yoga. I am living the lifestyle of health and fitness with the encouragement and support of great friends and family. I love sharing the knowledge I have acquired with anyone who is ready to make the changes necessary to improve their health. I have more exercise equipment than anyone should have. I started Venus Index workouts, and practicing Eat Stop Eat (ESE) in Sept. 2012; what I believed was a plateau…was broken; realizing now I was over exercising and eating at maintenance. Running is my cardio of choice and I love it, need to keep increasing speed and distance. I believe the combination of Venus workouts, ESE and running was exactly what I have been looking for.

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