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Thanks for everything Scott, you are my fitness hero

Scott_Herman  Close

@wess77 my pleasure Daniel! I'm honored bro!

Like  Reply  7 months ago
Wess77 commented on the routine: Beginner Upper Body Workout!

Scott? one question?

Is it different if I do 4 sets of 15 pushups and continue to the next exercise instead of a full round before touching chest again? I don't have access to a gym for now, and I plan to make this workout harder with supersets

Scott_Herman  Close

@wess77 my pleasure Daniel!

Like  Reply  9 months ago
Wess77  Close

@scott_herman Thanks a lot Scott, as always you are an inspiration

Like 1  Reply  11 months ago
Scott_Herman  Close

@wess77 hey Daniel! It definitely wouldn't be as intense as if you did it as a full circuit. You can do it both ways for sure, but this kind of routine I think you will get more out of it if you do it as a circuit rather than one exercise at a time!

Like  Reply  11 months ago

Scott, one question? people have told me that Standing Dumbbell Oblique Crunches are a bad exercise. You don't think so?

Other question Scott, the order in wich we do the exercises does matter? sometimes the gym is full and such, so I do them in a...

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Scott_Herman  Close

@wess77 my pleasure man!

Like  Reply  1 year ago
Wess77  Close

@scott_herman Thank you as always Scott

Like 1  Reply  1 year ago
Scott_Herman  Close

@wess77 they're not bad my friend. My question to those people would be, what makes them a bad exercise?

And the order doesn't matter too much! I've put it in the best order, but if the gym is busy and you have to re-arrange the order that's totally fine man. It's just that if you do biceps before your back work, your weights might be slightly less with those back movements etc.

Like  Reply  1 year ago

Hello Scott, how are you?

By the way do you belive in body recomp? Would you advice it when you in that crossroad and you could decide either to bulk or to cutt?

And how it's done? if you believe in this way of training/diet, it would be cool to have it as an option in the meal planner.


Wess77 started a new forum thread: Lifting Belt (Deadlift and Squats)

Hello Scott, how are you? 

Thing is that yesterday, deadlifting, the gym coach told me I should get a lifting belt. Im deadlifting . . . 50kg + Bar (+20kg aprox).

And I plan on getting it, don't get me wrong. I know it's good for my own safety... but it is really that urgent? as a student, I would like to buy it next month.

Or I should just not be stubborn and rush it asap? It's a good money I would have to spend, as I would have to buy a leather one (so it's durable)

Writting this... I think Im just going to have to bite the bullet this time. In the PPL program have to do some exercises like the ruman deadlift, deadlifting itself, squats... for saving me some bucks I think I could snap my back.

Im going to revise my form in all of this exercises in home to have perfect form

Thanks beforehand


Hey scott? how are you man?

I have trouble with the Pin Brench Press (because my gym doesn't have the special bars to do them)  swapping them for normal Bench Press wouldn't be a big deal?

Scott_Herman  Close

@wess77 hey Daniel! Good thanks!

Well, the pin press is there to help you generate power from the bottom position from a dead stop. So if you replace it with a bench press, I'd suggest still doing a pause rep. So when you lower the bar down to your chest, pause for a second or two, then explode the bar up (press it as fast as you can). Hope that helps!

Like  Reply  2 years ago

Hello guys, hello Scott. How are you all?

What worries me is that in the Meal Planner, the macros vary too much. For example, in my case, for weight loss I can eat 45 to 158g of protein, wich is more than 100g of difference! and no matter the number in between, I still get an A.

Fat, I could eat from 40 to 70, wich is kind of a huge margin.

Carbohydrates, from 203g to 293g.

So I wonder, are these numbers correct? Im not really asking for my case in specific, more than anything wanting to know if it's okay that the macros have margins so huge.


For example, I have 138 pounds of lean body mass. Acording to this article: , I would need to eat 138g of protein, but the Mealplanner just leaves me be at 40g. So it worries me that this may hinder my progress.

If you want to see my meal planner (it's under construction, Im checking what I could eat for dinner lol).

Btw Scott, If you want a idea for a tasty breakfast, oatmeal, yogurt, nuts and banana is a good one!

And what I mean

Wish you all a nice day


Hey Scott! coud you please give me replacements for star crunches and plank jacks? sometimes the gym is too crowded to do this

Thanks for your dedication as always

Scott_Herman  Close

@wess77 hey Daniel! For the star crunches, you could do a v-up instead. For the plank jack you could maybe do a mountain climber instead!

Like  Reply  2 years ago

I try to stick as much as I can to the schedule (PPL- Month 1), so I try to work-out  6 days of the week.

But lately I have been training like 4 days of the week, because I needed to do other stuff aside of the gym.

I choosed "little to no exercise" because I don't really workout outside of the gym, maybe when I do cardio but not more than that. I mean, after the gym I don't go hiking or something so yeah.

I feel okay eating 1800 calories (the minimum recomended for men, in the meal planner), but the fat loss is super low (0.04 to 0.044 pounds per week), so I tought about burning 500 calories doing cardio every day to accelerate my fat loss (keeping in mind the meal planner says the recomended cut would be to consume 1000-1500 calories)

Would this be factible?


Hey Scott, how are you?

No, I think everything it's right. BMR is 1683 and BMR in motion 2020 calories. (74KG, 1.75 cm, "little to no exercises" (I guess) )

So as I want to cut, the planner tells me that a good caloric cut would be to consume 1000-1500 calories (aprox). But as that is below 1800, it just recomends me to eat 1800.

So... if I eat 1800 calories, can I still do a lot of cardio to burn fat faster? (to burn like ... 400-500 calories per day)


I quote from the meal planner: "This places your recomended daily intake between 1020 calories and 1520 calories per day. However for males the general accepted guideline is not to allow your consumption to fall below 1800 calories per day. You calculated level was below 1800"

Key word is consume isn't it? meaning that I shouldn't eat below 1800. But if I eat 1800, I can still burn all the way down if I want?

Never tought of this honestly. I'll have to become a cardio beast looks like.


Hey Scott? this person is spamming some type of, what looks like, a scam

I quote

Posted On: 07-05-21, 3:35 am (EDT)#3

Evisiou:"I will not take a lot of your time and therefore I will go straight to the point.  Go to the site ----------- to invest your money in cryptocurrency, because this is the most profitable investment today. "

Wess77 posted on thread: About the meal planner

Thanks Scott! awesome reply, as always

Wess77 started a new forum thread: About the meal planner

I have a question, should I weight myself every week and adjust the meal planner accordingly (With my actual weight after I gain or lose weight), or  should I just stick to the initial weight I stated, and continue with the same caloric intake until it plateaus?

meze  Close

How did you tie it on the door

Like 1  Reply  3 years ago
Danyagain  Close

Great Workouts Scott, should I do the 3 videos every day?

Like 1  Reply  3 years ago

Hey Scott! how is your day going my friend? I would like to ask you a question: Is it fine if you start with low reps on some of the exercises in this series? for example, I started this program today and could do just two rounds.

And the Triceps...

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Scott_Herman  Close

@wess77 hey Daniel! It's going good thanks! Yeah that's fine man. There's no set amount of reps you need to do for this workout. All you're doing is doing as many reps as you can during the 30 second working period. So just do as many as you can and try to increase the number of reps you do each time you do the routine!

Like  Reply  2 years ago

For who are you going Scott? MUI or SSBE?


Thanks a lot Scott!

Wess77 commented on the routine: Beginner Upper Body Workout!

Hello Scott, how are you? thanks for all the dedication you put into the website!

I have a question. According to the calendar, for cardio days, I have to do 10 mins Warm up & Mobility, 30 minutes of walk or jog, and another 10 minutes of warm up...

 (read more)

Scott_Herman  Close

@wess77 my pleasure! Glad you've been able to get back into fitness now man!

Yeah, using your stationary bike is fine! You can walk, jog, bike, row, use the eliptical if you're at the gym, they're all good options!

You could do one hour if you wanted to. I would potentially start with 30 minutes though, just so that if / when you hit a plateau with weight loss, you can easily just increase your cardio without having to lower your calories!

But if you really just love your cardio, you can for sure do more from the start!

Like 1  Reply  2 years ago
Wess77  Close

@scott_herman Oh, I see. Thank you!

Yes, Im going for fat loss right now, tough, Im just coming back to fitness as I had to spend most of the quarantine in home, and finally decided to exercise at home while gyms open.

Because of quarantine, Im using my stationary bike with a calm pace (that should be like walking/jogging, right?). Tough, I think I could do one hour without  much trouble. I used to do HIIT on it to keep myself fit

Like 1  Reply  2 years ago
Scott_Herman  Close

@wess77 hey man, I'm good! My pleasure, so glad you're enjoying the website!

So on your cardio days, that is just one round (if you want to look at it as rounds). So you'll warm-up for 10 minutes, then you'll do 30 minutes of a walk or jog, warm-down for 10 minutes and then that's your 'workout' for that day done! Now if you want to do more than 30 minutes of cardio you can, that's totally up to you!

What's your main goal right now? Fat loss?

Like 1  Reply  2 years ago
Wess77 started a new forum thread: How can I see the articles I saved?

Sorry if the answer is obvious, but I really don't see how lol. Found lots of very helpful articles , marked them as favorites to read them later, and now I can't find them :'(