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Location: N/A Gender: Male Neck: 16 in Chest: 43.5 in Goal: Lose Fat Forearm: 12.25 in Hip: 37 in Age: 36 Calve 15 in Shoulder: 49.5 in Height: 5'8" Arm: 14.5 in Waist: 38 in Weight: 178 lbs Thigh: 23 in Body Fat: 17%
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My fitness journey began during the summer before my 7th grade year. I would be playing football and I was just too skinny. I joined a gym with my dad and began doing some basic light weightlifting. I wasn't until high school that I began lifting heavy weights. The journey really took off the first semester of my junior year. I was 5'8'', 130lbs. My best friend just so happen to be a body builder and he began training me. After 3 or 4 tubs of CytoGainer within a 3 month period, I swelled to 160lbs. Same body fat, which was very low, and a lot more muscle. By the time I was a senior I weighed 180lbs and thought I was at my lifting maximum. Just after graduation I traded in my muscle for fat. Freshman year in college was a lot less physical activity than I was used to. In high school it was football, basketball, swimming (every day), and weightlifting. After that it was just weightlifting, but the same eating habits. My body fat got as high as 17% which prompted me to change. I enlisted an old friend with no weight training experience as my protege. By training him, I was forced to get myself into gear. I reached all time max's with him while trading in my old fat for new muscle, back to 180lbs though. Finally a few years later, the mass I had sought for so long had lost it's luster. I had a new goal which was to hit the lowest body fat in my history of weightlifting. Once I was at a lower body fat, the goal was to go back up in clean mass. I got down to 159lbs and much lower than 10% body fat. What allowed me to reach my goal of 159lbs the first time was Scott Herman's work out routines with a mix of various HIIT regime's I found off the internet. That was a few years back. I am now at 178lbs with 17-18% body fat. I want to get lean and retain a nice physique. That is my goal.

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