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Location: N/A Gender: Male Neck: 15 IN Chest: 35 IN Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: 10.75 IN Hip: 34.5 IN Age: 38 Calve 12 IN Shoulder: N/A Height: 6.0 IN Arm: 13 IN Waist: 30.25 IN Weight: 145 lbs Thigh: 19.5 IN Body Fat: N/A%
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I was weak and unhealthy most of my life. Sadly, rather than responding to that by trying to better myself, I ended up falling into some pretty serious depression. I self medicated for a long time and got caught up in a drug addiction that nearly killed me on multiple occasions. I made the decision myself to get help, though it took two attempts in inpatient rehab facilities. I'm not just shy of two years drug free. I take the medication prescribed to me (necessary because I did some damage to my brain chemicals) and began working out regularly. Scott Herman was a huge inspiration for me. He not only inspired me to better myself physically but also to never return what had destroyed me in the past. I'm now happy and healthy and in excellent shape. When I left rehab I weighed 109 pounds and am now up to 145. I'm super proud of my progress... and I owe a lot of it to Scott, my personal hero.

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