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Location: Tehran, Iran Gender: Male Neck: 41 cm Chest: 98 cm Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: 32 cm Hip: 100 cm Age: 35 Calve 38 cm Shoulder: 107 cm Height: 5'6" Arm: N/A Waist: 90 cm Weight: 75 kg Thigh: 62 cm Body Fat: N/A%
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I have high body fat, and a small amount of muscle underneath (if they exist though 😁 ). My current physical status is causing depression and is harming my relationship. I need a major change. A few years ago I removed my Gynecomastia by an inexperienced doctor and it caused disfiguration. After that going to the beach or anywhere with my clothes off was off-limits for me. In order to fix the disfiguration, I have to lower my body fat and gain muscle first. I could really use some help and found Scott's youtube channel and here I am. I live in Iran and here the trend is the steroids and not enough science goes into working out properly. Also I can't hit the gym for the time being; So I bought some weights, a bench press and a fitness chair to start; watched your videos, made a workout plan and a meal plan. I'm already 3 weeks in (after 2 years of not working out), and planning to get better and stronger.

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