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Location: MA Gender: Male Neck: 17 in Chest: 43 in Goal: Train for a sport Forearm: 12 in Hip: 44.5 in Age: 37 Calve 16 in Shoulder: 19 in Height: 5.8'0" Arm: 23 in Waist: 42 in Weight: 229 lbs Thigh: 25.5 in Body Fat: N/A%
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I've never been a very active person. I've always been the geeky kid that never played sports. Last September, I was invited to join a team for a Spartan Race in August, 2013 and accepted. When I accepted, I was at 265 and only going up from there. Since then, I had started making it a ritual to go to the local Planet Fitness every night after work. That was great and I had lost just about 30 pounds right up until around Thanksgiving 2012. After Thanksgiving, I started to plateau and never really got back into the ritualistic routine I was in before the holidays came around. I completed the August 2013 Spartan Race with my team in just over 2 hours and had a blast doing it! Ever since I completed my 2013 Spartan Race, I haven't had much motivation to work out. I started Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer but again Thanksgiving has come and gone and I'm back to little motivation. I think the one thing I never really worked out was a true Meal Plan (as Scott calls it). I've been a fan of Scott's instructional videos for a while because lets face it, sometimes I just don't know the excersize. That's actually how I found Scott's Youtube channel. I signed up for the Spartan WOD daily emails and came across Scott's easy-to-follow instructional videos. Thank you Scott and here's hoping I can get back to the gym tomorrow.

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