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Location: N/A Gender: Female Neck: 6 cm Chest: 34 cm Goal: Lose Fat Forearm: 28 cm Hip: 102 cm Age: 34 Calve 8.5 cm Shoulder: N/A Height: 1.59.0 cm Arm: 32 cm Waist: 138 cm Weight: 75 kg Thigh: 72 cm Body Fat: N/A%
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As long as I can remember I've always been fat or had that* stomach(see profile picture) I don't want to do surgery because I know I can, I've always been strong as life I now I can loose weight but I can't control it without a meal plan...that's what I believe. I believe that its gone so far that my mind is trying to help me, what I mean is I eat small portions and I feel like I've eating six meals or something and feel fat and I'm always tired.....or its just to much gluten in every meal or something. Anyway I still believe in doing it old school - right meal plan(foods) - right exercise plan (schedule) My current weight is 166lb and that is alot for a short person...well its alot for me and my confedence..My goal weight is around 134lb(60kg) perhaps lower but its been so long so I have no idea how I would look at that weight haha good luck to me and thank you Scott Herman for your existence

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