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Location: Alabama Gender: Male Neck: 17.5 in Chest: N/A Goal: Lose Fat Forearm: N/A Hip: N/A Age: 41 Calve N/A Shoulder: N/A Height: 6'3" Arm: N/A Waist: 40 in Weight: 305 lbs Thigh: N/A Body Fat: N/A%
About Me   

Growing up in the's hard to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I grew up on a farm but all that southern fried mom's homemade deliciousness offset any work you did outdoors. A few years ago...I weighed in at over 450lbs. I...was....HUGE! If you've ever been that know that eventually your youth burns out and you start to realize that you have severe limitation where your body is concerned. Your back goes, your knees go; you step wrong off a 2ft step ladder and blow a tendon in your ankle. I had to do something. So I did. I radically altered my diet and started doing cardio. Fast foward 155lbs, 18in in the waist and 4 shirt sizes later and I'm now in the best shape of my life...which sad to say isn't really a shape at all. Carrying that extra baggage around for so long did a number on my muscular it was time to take it to the next level. About a month ago, I finally joined a gym and a personal fitness plan. I've started lifting on a regular basis and I am feeling amazing! I still have a ways to go...about 60lbs...but this was definitely the right next step in my weightloss jouney. I have no illusions about being a body builder...if that happens in future then great....but right now it's all about continuing to lose weight by building and conditioning muscles. Via YouTube, I found Scott Herman and the Hermanation. Since I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning, I use the videos for instruction, advice, and overall inspiration. Looking foward to being a part of a fitness-oriented community for once and to seeing where this new chapter will take me.

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